Praying When I Should Be Sleeping

Lord God, You are eternal — eternally good, eternally loving, eternally merciful, eternally God. You were, You are, and You will forever be the God of the universe over every created thing. 

You are beyond time and beyond comprehension, but not beyond our reach, thanks to Jesus. You sent Your Son, Jesus, to earth to make a way for us to be forgiven and so we can enter into Your presence, Father God. I am eternally grateful for that and humbled to be chosen by You, to be allowed to fellowship with You, to be given the hope of heaven and an eternity in Your presence.

Your Word says You want us to act justly, show kindness, and live humbly in obedience to You (Micah 6:8) — help me through Your Holy Spirit to do that. Show me where and how and when I’m not doing that so I can repent and do what’s pleasing in Your sight. 

Your Word says for us to cast all our burdens on You because You care for us (1 Peter 5:7), so today I bring You the prodigals and lost members of my family — my girls, their husbands, their children, my NZ family — and all the prodigals and lost family of those reading this prayer. 

Help them to hear You calling their name. Help them to see how You’ve always been there for them, showing them kindness, waiting for them to turn to You. Help them to sense Your presence and to understand the depth and width and height of Your love for them. Help them to see their need for Jesus as Lord and Savior and what they’re missing out on by ignoring Your call. Help them to realize You’re the only One who can fill their every need and longing. Only You can fill the emptiness they feel inside they’re trying to fill with other things. 

I pray these things in the powerful name of Your Son, Jesus. Amen.

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